Q8Research participates to Waste-to-Fuels project in Kuwait

On June 14th, 2022 Q8Research signed a three way funding agreement with KISR (Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research) and KFAS (Kuwait Foundation for Advancenment of Science) for the execution of Project “Egeria Nifaia” that will investigate the effect of different mixtures of plastic solid waste feedstock on pyro-products. It is a project in multiple phase, from which the first “proof-of-concept” phase will be executed this year. As part of this proof of concept the pyrolis oil will be thorougly analaysed and hydrotreated to understand possible applications. Q8Research will be supported by BioQuest Alliance and the Cyprus University of Technology for mathematical modelling and economical assessment.
In a press statement, Deputy Director-General for Strategic Programs at KFAS Dr. Khawla Al-Shayji said that the project is one of the most important national projects in the field of environmental preservation and the promotion of renewable energy sources. The project will provide technical solution in managing plastic waste and providing renewable biofuels, she added.